The Long Trail

The Long Trail is a trail in Vermont that spans from the Vermont-Massachusetts border to the Canadian border. The Long Trail began being built between 1910 and 1930, making it the oldest long distance hiking trail in the United States.

The Green Mountain Club was established to build the Trail and now works to expand and maintain the trails currently there. In 1910, the Green Mountain Club was established to make trails in the Vermont mountains that the establishers felt were very important and should be given trails so that the people of Vermont could enjoy them together.

On March 11, 1910 the Green Mountain Club began and its first President James Taylor brought in many Vermonters to build these trails and he believed that the project “would have to be done in Vermont by Vermonters.” Now today they stretch across the state and are hiked by many people every year.

The trail spans 272 miles from end to end and has 18 miles of side trails. Hikers can go for a short day hike, to an overnight experience, to the all out extended backpacker trip from end to end. Approximately 70 backcountry campsites make it possible for hikers to stay the night on the trail and not have to worry about survival in the wilderness.


Curtis, Jane, Will Curtis, and Frank Lieberman. Green Mountain adventure: Vermont’s Long Trail: an illustrated history. Montpelier, VT: Green Mountain Club, 1985. Print.
Green Mountain Club.N.P, 16 Mar. 2017. Web. 21. Mar. 2017.