Spring Sport Rundown

Spring sports have begun and Harwood athletics are struggling to get into winning form. Vermont has long winters and this years piles of snow in April delayed many games at the beginning of the season. Boys lacrosse had three away games in April without a single outdoor practice while the girls team did not start playing games until May.

Boys lacrosse was poised for a breakout season but injuries have caused massive setbacks. In a game against GMVS the Highlanders were missing four starters, two of these starters have returned, but the other two have not. Two four-year varsity starters will likely be out the remainder of the season. The boys are 8-8 and are received a ten seed for the playoffs.

Girls lacrosse lost a lot of talent from last years team but they have not let it slow them down. In fact, the Highlanders had the biggest win in team history. They took down girls lacrosse powerhouse Chelsea on May 12th, 8-7. Although the team is only 5-7, this win showed the girls that they can beat anyone come playoffs.

Boys baseball without question lost the most talent out of all the spring sports teams. Lead by a group of 8 seniors the Highlanders made it to the championship game last season. This year the team is young but playing hard. After a slow start they have rallied to a 11-4 record and are have the five seed for the playoffs.

Softball is the only Harwood spring sports team that is competing at the Division 1 level. They are struggling at 0-6 but this is understandable. Division 1 sports are composed of the largest schools in the state; some of these schools have more than 1,000 students. Many of these programs have three or four coaches, amazing facilities and top of the line equipment; leaving one to wonder why any Harwood sports would compete at the division one level.