Fall Sports Roundup

From Bass Fishing to Football, Harwood has many fall sports, and it’s sometimes hard to keep up with all of them. That’s exactly why we talked to a member of each team to get an update as their seasons wrap up.

Boys Soccer: 14-2 

On Saturday, November 5th the boy’s soccer team played in the D2 state championship vs Montpelier. The boys played very well dominating possession and had 16 shots versus Monpeliers 3. In the end, they ended up coming up short losing 1-0 playing hard, and fighting to the last minute just like they had all season.

Christopher Cummiskey

Boys Cross Country: 7th in Division II at the State Championships

Christopher Cummiskey is a sophomore and has been running cross-country for 4 years. He’s the captain and number two runner on the team. When asked about the strengths of the team, he said,  “I think we have a really good team environment. We all are really close. Also the fact that it’s coed. The boys and girls team practice together, and I think that’s another strength.” He added, “The boys are a really young team, but it’s been going pretty well. So we’re only getting better from here.”  

Charlie Flint at the Harwood Invitational

Girls Cross Country: 3rd in Division II at the State Championships 

Senior Charlie Flint is a co-captain of the girls Cross Country team. She’s been running distance for four years and is the number one runner on the team. When asked about the season she said, “We are a lot stronger than we thought we were going to be because we lost four out of our top five from last year. We keep getting better as the season progresses and everyone is doing very well in time trials and races and dropping their times.”  They’re sure to be strong next year!

Addey Lilley

Girls Soccer: 12-4 regular season with a quarter final loss to Mount Abe.

Addey Lilley, Varsity Girls starting center back, recaps the season: team spirit, good record, and a whole lot of fun. They are missing a few beloved players this year, but, Addey comments: “Honestly, I think that having one or two really strong players allowed the rest of our team to be overlooked. And you know, one or two strong players don’t win a soccer game.” Very true! When asked what the team’s biggest strength is, her response was unexpected. She doesn’t focus on their great passing skills or their scoring kicks: “Our camaraderie, on and off the field, puts us above other teams.” Their contagious spirit, high energies, and positivity keep them united. 

Olivia Cyr

Field Hockey: 5-10 regular season with a quarter final loss to Lyndon. 

Olivia Cyr is a senior who in the past played as a defensive player, but this year – because of injuries – was team manager. She’s been playing field hockey for six years. And is always there for the team when possible. “I went to practice and helped wherever I could. And went to all the games to keep books and cheer on the team.” When asked what she thought were her team’s strengths Olvia said, “One of our main strengths as a team is how well we can work together. We are a very close team on and off the field and we appreciate everyone’s hard work.” Olivia talked about how they did this season.” Our season went pretty well. We had some ups and downs but overall we played very well this season and we should all be very proud.” They gave it their all this season and sounds like they had fun doing so.

The Harwood football team after the victorious game against Spaulding

The U32 Football Team: 1-8 regular season

At the end of a frustrating season for the U32 Varsity Football team, they won their last regular game of the season. Not only was it their senior game it also was against their chief rival, Spaulding high school. The game took place in East Montpelier on Saturday 10/21/22. It was a very close game with a score of 20-19 while Spaulding had 2 missed field goal attempts in the last minute, and multiple interceptions. “The closer the game the more exciting it is to win,” noted Nathaniel Beebe.

Harwood Girls Volleyball Team

The Harwood Volleyball Team: 8-5 season

The 2022 Varsity Volleyball season came to an end on October 25th, their last playoff game. They finished in the 6th seed with a record of 8 wins and 5 losses. This is a great success compared to last year’s placing as the 16th seed. The seniors are pleased they had one last good season, but it’s still tough to say goodbye. One senior added, “The whole Volleyball Team was just kind of like a big friend group. So when we didn’t get to play together anymore, it was really emotional.’’ They recognize Senior Night as one of the highlights this season, ‘’It was really hype… we won and we had some good people there watching.’’ Unfortunately, the Volleyball Team didn’t continue far into the playoffs, so the season ended faster than expected. There were some notable obstacles that the team faced. The Harwood gym flooded and is now being completely ripped up and redone, leaving the team with no home court. Fortunately, they were able to stay positive and work with what they were given. With Peter Arsenal as coach and many current JV players planning to join varsity, the team expects a good 2023 season. 

The Harwood Bass Fishing Team with some catches

The Bass Fishing Team finished 4th in the JV Competition and 9th in the Varsity Competition at State Championships

Nathanael Conyers is a sophomore at Harwood. Harwood has only had the Bass Fishing team for 5 years now. A few of last year’s seniors helped Harwood start the team their freshman year. The Bass Fishing team practices every Tuesday and Wednesday. They would usually practice on a body of water but if they can’t get out to one they will practice casting in the front lawn. Every Saturday they go out to Lake Champlain they will fish in two-hour increments, and get the whole team out on the boats. For Tournaments they fish in two shifts, the whole tournament is six hours. So the first shift is three hours, and the second shift is also three hours. After the Tournament is over they all bring their fish to the weigh station after the fish get weighed Fish and Wildlife will take the fish back out and release them. When Nate was asked what kind of mindset do you need to be a good fisher he said.”It’s so much of a mental grind because you can’t guarantee you’re gonna go out there and catch fish on tournament day. You could have caught them really good the day before and they’re just not there.” They lost some of their best fishermen last year but if they keep practicing and keep a good mentality they can become better next season.

The Harwood Boys Golf Team

The boys Golf Team capped off a very successful season with a third place finish in States. During the regular season the boys went undefeated winning every match they played in, also to be noted they had 10 different golfers play in matches during the season. While winning is nice, what coach Brian McCarthy really wants is to grow the game of golf, he says that golf is a game you can play your whole life and the thing that’s most important is having fun. The team finished a successful season with a third place finish thanks to strong performances from senior and co-captain Parker Davey and standout junior Will Burks. The real star of the Harwood Golf team wasn’t on the boys team though, junior Jordi finished in second place in states and for the second year in a row was invited to play in New Englands. Jordi was the only girl on the golf team this year, but that certainly didn’t seem to stop her from having another amazing year full of accomplishments.